The MADTech Group develops high quality E-Learning programs to address any need. On an E-Learning project, theMADTech team works with the key client and at least one subject matter expert (SME) to clearly define the business need driving the E-Learning initiative and envision solution options. During this process, we define the course learning outcomes, instructional strategies to be used, and assessment approach. We also create prototypes of all components planned as part of the solution. This includes visual design, site architecture, and functional specifications.
The design process involves iterative prototyping where the team refines the design blueprint and generates a prototype of the solution. Development begins after the client agrees to the look and feel of materials generated during the design phase. MADTech conducts ongoing formative evaluation activities throughout the design and development phases of all projects. This includes internal review, subject matter expert review, and user testing.
Formative evaluation activities are documented in status reports. Findings that suggest immediate changes to current plans are brought to your attention as quickly as possible to avoid unnecessary delays and expense.